Rhino $450.00

Pachyderm $450.00

Crazy Daisy $450.00
Scorched Earth $850.00
The Last Dance $850.00

Recent Work
I don’t particularly enjoy painting or drawing but I often get a drive that makes me put paint to canvas or pencil to paper.
If I had to be ‘pigeon-holed’ I guess I’m a painter with a social conscience.
Although I was trained as an educator and spent many years teaching, verbal communication was never my forte. I am much more at home with visual and musical concepts. When confronted with social inequality, abuse of children, exploitation of the poor, snobbery of the privileged, institutional thuggery, marginalisation of minorities - I experience a kind of mental trauma which is relieved to a degree by painting.
Chicken Coop
Pterodactyl $450.00
Over Medication $450.00
The Demon Within $450.00
Aftermath $350.00
Army Training $350.00
Prisoner of War $350.00
Witchdoctor $350.00
T-72 Tank $350.00
Stan's Art
Supported by:
Rhino $450.00
Pachyderm $450.00
Crazy Daisy $450.00
Scorched Earth $850.00
The Last Dance $850.00